Thursday, December 4, 2008

Busy times

Whew, I think now's the time to chill out for a while. I was so busy (and wrapped into) shooting a music video for my colleague at the tv station that I let it interfere with my studies. That video will be shown at their department's students' festival. Nothing biggie but I'm actually skipping classes to do shooting. But I guess if the locals can do it, why can't I? And for your information, the video is going to be GREAT! I'll link it here when it's finished :)

By the way, today I got to do one of the coolest things ever here which was to shoot a four-camera live broadcast and webcast of the 2008 campus singing contest finals. The only bad thing? I heard that in the Spring semester it will be a model / fashion show instead of the singing contest. Why god whyyyy!??!??

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