Thursday, November 6, 2008

Midterm frenzy and other things

Wow, this week's been frenzy. With lots of midterms coming up next week the people are getting very busy with their schoolwork and deliverables. I myself have done a few half-nighters, with some of my Chinese (you know... Chinese Chinese) schoolmates pulling full-nighters this week. And when the Chinese people do it, they have to work in the shared washing room of their floor, because electricity to their rooms are cut at 11 pm.

Can you imagine that? Someone working over their laptop in the washing room in the middle of the night? Apparently, that's common. And here I complain being just massively tired.

Wait... have I already spent about half of my time here? That can't be true. One semester is definitely too short a time, noooo! Just when you get used to the idea that you're living in your true motherland, they'll take you away.

I never quite felt Finland was my true home, and after few months in China, the mixed feelings are even stronger. There's just this new sense of identity and belonging I've never felt before. Like not once have I woken up in my dorm and wondered "What the hell am I doing here?", it feels just so natural.

Oh boy, I just don't know what will happen in the future.


Anonymous said...

Tuu Pannu kuitenkin takas Suomeen, Ratsu kaipaa sua.

Anonymous said...

Selkeest jallukka taas asialla.. kompromissiratkasuna ehdotan et nappaat jonkun hotin asianin matkamuistoks ja tuut sen kaa suomeen. Alphavillen levyhän jää ihan tarpeettomaks jos jäät kansantasavaltaan!

Aleksi Suave said...

Tiedän miltä susta tuntuu. En mäkään koskaan ole kokenut, että kotini on Punavuoressa tai Töölössä. Aina kun palaan syystä tai toisesta Ullanlinnaan, kaikki rakkaat lapsuudenmuistot palaavat mieleeni, ja tunnen suurta kaipuuta Etelän lämpöön ja valoon.