Meh, note to self: Don't try crazy bike jumping tricks while going against this huge torrent of bikers riding to the opposite direction. Result: Only a dropped chain this time, luckily. No human casualties, just had to play grease monkey for a while.
Now, to offer you guys back at home new update on things, shall we? First I'd like to start with some lightweight news. I broke up with Jesus, and a huge burden was lifted from my shoulders. How did that happen? Haha, long story, but I blame it on my dad. Towards the end of the National holiday week he managed to talk me into going to this underground Christian community by exploiting my interest in new things.
Well, actually his sales pitch was: "You'll meet some nice girls there." And stupidly, I bought it. I'm beginning to think he knows some nice girls there. But anyway, in the end I did it mostly just because I wanted to make him stop nagging. I mean for god's sake, I'm atheist! So, Sunday morning I went there and told them I wasn't going to show up anymore. *Sigh* why do I always have to pick up the pieces after my dad? Let this be the last time I ever listen to his stupid ideas. Even my mum's were BY FAR SUPERIOR. Or is this just me being oedipal? Go figure.
A lot of people have asked me about how the Chinese girls are (I JUST WONDER WHY??). Well, ok I admit, I've avoided this topic long enough. Lol, even the Chinese people here have asked what I feel about them. Now obviously I've only spent most of my time here in Tsinghua, the geek school, where chances of getting a good-looking girl are pretty slim (it's still possible, though, but 2/3 of the students are male). On the other hand, getting a smart girl is a surefire thing: I feel like I'm the midget in the land of the giant minds here... please rescue me!
Yeah, anyway. They say there are lots of beauties in Beida, or Beijing University. It's the Arts (for my Finnish friends: humanismi, not taide) uni next door, so you know, less geeks and generally more women. Apparently these are the top two unis in China and they are always competing with each other just like Oxford and Cambridge. Have I gone offtopic? Oh I think I have. Yeah, girls. Obviously, there wasn't and won't be enough time for me to get a whole picture but I can give a quick overview on three different people I've encountered here. Let's call them Melissa, Cindy and Gertrude*.
Mel is a 19 years old English major. Her dad wants to go to America. Her English is very good, but that shouldn't be a surprise given her major. At first I thought she's shy, but she's actually quite confident with her English and isn't afraid to approach foreign people for an interview, for example. A nice, civilized and harmless girl, though I think she's been trying to avoid me lately lol :)
Cindy is 20 and from Changsha, apparently the creative center of the Chinese TV industry (Wikipedia). She studies journalism, but her English skill isn't that good. That's why she wants me to speak English with her... you know, for some oral practice. Has some sense of fashion, for a Chinese. (Ranting and offtopic again, but usually even if a girl dresses smartly otherwise, you can see them wearing sneakers... like wtf?? The Koreans are far more fashionable than the Chinese here). Well, don't know more about her yet so that's all.
Gertrude should be 21 I think... She's doing the senior year in the same department as me (SEM, the School of Economics and Management), majoring in accounting. Really book-smart, however a lot difference in sense of humour. Speaks ok English, has even been to Canada for an exchange period. We have many courses in common and work in the same case group in one of them, so of the Chinese students I've probably talked most with her. With her new haircut, she reminds me of the character "Edna Mode" in The Incredibles :D :D
By the way, I only wrote this much to spark some discussion into my blog, as I'm bored to see 0 comments one after another. For a post this long, there must be something for everyone. So please, comment!
*) And then of course there's Helen, who kindly named these people so I wouldn't have to invent the names myself. Thank you!
I've actually noticed it here in Finland too, Chinese girls wearing sneakers I mean. Though the students in the Helsinki University of Technology commit the same crime far more often.
Not just girls, but boys also. And the same in Finland, I guess. At least that's what I remember :) Do you mean that in HUT the Finns wear sneakers also?
hey! are you chinese? well, u look like:D
fun to read ur blog cos i might just drop myself to china too, pitäis vaa ensiks päästä HSE:seen:D
btw, eksyin tänne gallerian kautta.....You like the life in tsinghua? envying uuu leeh....
Wow some serious mixed language here :P Anyway, I am Chinese (duh!) and yes, life in Tsinghua is very interestin. Good luck with applying to our school but it's a long process and u don't just "drop by" to China (unless, of course, on a holiday)...
Dodiih pannukka, 3kk aikaa napata hotti asiani mukanas kylmään Pohjolaan! ;)
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