Sunday, December 21, 2014

Clementine, one of the best-written characters in recent gaming history?

Disclaimer: What follows is a detailed reflection on Telltale's video game The Walking Dead, seasons one and two. As such, spoilers on both seasons will obviously be abundant, so those of you who still haven't played those games but plan to enjoy them, please don't let me ruin them for you.

I finished the second season of Telltale's The Walking Dead adventure game series a week ago, but it took some time to arrange my thoughts in a coherent manner and actually have them produced in writing. This is not a review of the game but more a reflection of my journey, the experience going through the story, and I will also focus on one central character in both seasons, the little girl Clementine.

First of all, I played both seasons after they were released in entirety, which means I was able to play through each season in a relatively short span of time, just a few days (a week, tops) between episodes. As such, I believe I was able to form a more general overview of the season's story arc, instead of playing the within-season episodes one-by-one as they were released, often months apart from each other, possibly leading to a more disjointed experience.